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YOUR Travel AgencY


Discover untamed wildlife


Greetings from Jennifer & Raphael! As avid travel enthusiasts, we share an unwavering passion for travel and exploration. Together, we've embarked on many incredible journeys spanning all seven continents. For us, travel is not just a business, it's a passion - a passion we would like our clients to experience as well.


At Verdugo Travel, we take care of planning and booking your trip from start to finish. Specializing in safaris, wildlife, nature adventures and expeditions & cruises, we are your dedicated travel experts. Our mission is to craft your next journey according to your unique travel dreams, guaranteeing a personalized and unforgettable trip. Explore our Travel Themes for inspiration and to learn more.


At Verdugo Travel, we are driven by a simple mission: to help you create lasting memories and experience the joy that travel brings.

- For Travelers, By Travelers -

Couple Glaciar Mountains Ice Verdugo Travel
Elephants Sunset Wildlife Africa Canyon Pool Mountain Verdugo Travel Botswana

"Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer"


Verdugo Travel GmbH

Mattweg 31
4144 Arlesheim
Telefon +41 79 949 76 36

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